Tell Congress to Make Your Pension Vote Count
now some retirees across the country are facing enormous cuts to the
benefits they earned through years of loyalty and service to their
employers. Congress caused this problem last December by rolling back a
decades old provision preventing cuts to promised retiree benefits. To
make matters even worse, Congress allows retirees to vote on the cuts
but any ballot that goes unreturned is counted as in favor of the cuts,
and even if the beneficiaries vote against the cuts, the Treasury still
has the right to require cuts to pension benefits.
sponsored by Senator Rob Portman and Representatives David Joyce and
Tim Ryan, the Pension Accountability Act (S. 2147/H.R. 4029), will give
plan participants a meaningful voice when plans are considering making
cuts. The legislation requires a majority, binding vote from plan
participants before any cuts may be made and only returned ballots will
be counted in the vote total.
In addition to the Pension Accountability Act, the Teamsters Union continues to support S.
1631/ H.R. 2844, the Keep Our Pension Promises Act (KOPPA). KOPPA would
protect workers and retirees from cuts to their earned retirement
benefits. The legislation would restore anti-cutback rules so that
retirees in financially troubled multi-employer pension plans would be
protected from having their earned benefits cut.
want to ensure that our nation’s retirees will have a voice when it
comes to cuts in benefits that were earned over a lifetime of service.
We urge you to email your Senators and Representative to ask them to
sign onto S. 2147/ H.R. 4029, the Pension Accountability Act.
Rep. Ted Lieu

District: FH-CA33
Phone:(202) 225-3976
Fax:(202) 225-4099
Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Phone:(202) 224-3841
Fax:(202) 228-3954
Sen. Barbara Boxer

Phone:(202) 224-3553
Fax:(202) 224-0454
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