Jimmy Hoffa Went Missing 39 Years Ago Today
| Wed Jul. 30, 2014 6:00 AM EDT

Teamsters Union President James R. Hoffa, left, stands with Anthony Provenzano, right, and fellow union members during Hoffa's visit to New Jersey. AP
On this date in 1975, Jimmy Hoffa was last seen around 2:45 p.m. outside a Detroit area restaurant. His unlocked car was found at the restaurant, but there were no other signs of his whereabouts. Hoffa's disappearance sparked numerous theories as to what might have happened to him, and where he might be buried. In 1982, on the seventh anniversary of his disappearance, Hoffa was legally declared dead.

Jimmy Hoffa poses for a photo on July 24, 1975, just six days before his disappearance. Tony Spina/MCT/ZUMA Press