What Do You Want to Hear in the State of the Union? Here's What You Said

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- Tell the president not to Fast Track the TPP.
- Raise minimum wage. Pass immigration reform.
- Jobs. Inequality. Increasing Social Security.
- Talk about the economy and the disparity between the rich and poor.
- The solution to income inequality is stronger rights of workers to unionize & collectively bargain.
- More funding for public schools.
- That this country and middle class was built by the unions. He is going to work with the unions and corporations to help build a stronger America together!!!
- Pension protection.
- Living wage jobs!
- Student loan relief for teachers. I have over $153,000.00 in student loans and cannot ever hope to pay them off and afford to keep my house, as I am already 50 years old.
- Sign an executive order to higher the federal minimum wage to $10.10.
- Voting rights and minimum wage and women & reproductive rights.
- Restore UI benefits, end financial aid for millionaires tax policies, invest in U.S. infrastructure, end teach to the test education practices.
- Our tax and economic policies should favor domestic job creation and support working families.
- That fast tracking trade agreements violates democracy and is not good for America.
- Unemployment, jobs, roads and bridges and keep up the good fight for health care for all.
- This nation must extend unemployment compensation benefits.
- Education: save education and the rights of all workers!
- That he has not forgot about the elderly and where they can get housing.
- I want to announce the second coming of the WPA.
- I want him to address making it easier to unionize your place of employment!
- Make the co-pays affordable for the working class
- Taking away collective bargaining rights has lead to record wealth stratification and the lack of class mobility. We need national collective bargaining rights.
- The time is now for comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. Education, not deportation.
- That our people are more important than corporate profits.
- ENDA passed.
- Raise min wage, work for fair trade not free, restore upward mobility.
- "I will stop deportations."
- Student loans, a solid plan to balance the gentrification of city neighborhoods by promoting more community organizations that reflect the community.
- I wish he would talk about abolishing right to work and establishing a living wage.
- I would like President Obama to address income inequality and how we can change the systems that allow the 1% to make it happen.
- Veterans need jobs. The Postal Service is the largest employer of our nation's veterans. Congress needs to fix the prefunding mandate to make the Postal Service more solvent and allow them to hire more veterans.
- He supports Walmart workers, fast-food and low-wage organizing. That he rejects TPP fast track as a race to the bottom.
- I want him to cover unemployment extension and why it cannot get passed. In addition, how it's hurting Americans who are trying to find a job.
- I want the president to include a living wage for federal contractors, improved worker protections and to stop deportations!