PLA for NBC Universal Redevelopment in L.A. Means 13,000 Construction Jobs

A new project labor agreement (PLA) between Southern California Construction Unions and NBC Universal for a major redevelopment of the company’s movie and television studios and the Universal City theme park in Los Angeles will create about 13,000 local construction jobs.
The PLA reached between the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council and NBC Universal on the 10-year project in the east San Fernando Valley was announced yesterday.
PLAs are pre-hire agreements between labor and management that require all construction jobs be filled by local workers; include diversity requirements; establish wages and work rules covering overtime, working hours and dispute resolution; and ensure that safety guidelines on the job site are enforced.
A study last year by Cornell University’s Industrial and Labor Relations School (ILR) found project labor agreements offer a pathway to the middle class by providing job opportunities to low-income communities, minorities, veterans and others.
The $1.6 billion project will include new and improved production and post-production facilities, new media-related office space and enhancements to the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park and CityWalk, along with hotels and retail and dining facilities. It also includes major investments in area transportation and mass transit facilities.
The 300-acre redevelopment project will create an additional 18,000 other jobs and help keep movie and television production in Los Angeles. The project is now proceeding through the environmental evaluation process.